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Is It Really Cheating If . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Monday, November 27, 2006

{This is the first in a recurring series which will explore the brutally complex concept of monogomy. We hope these will be illuminating what-if scenarios, and that they will cultivate some intense philosophical discussions around what, if anything, really constitutes cheating.}

Is It Really Cheating If:

You wear linen pants and no underwear to a strip club and pay for 15 consecutive lap dances during which time there is enough grinding to "Welcome to the Jungle" that you consequently make a mess of the linen (a notoriously tricky fabric to maintain)?

The forum is open.



  1. nobich Says:
  2. Not really cheating I guess but kinda sleazy. guys- (it wasn't either one of you was it??)
    holding my breath so hurry.

  3. I have to agree that it wasn't really cheating. However, if you allow a lap dance to occur more than 4 times it will look highly suspicious and sleazy to your significant other.

  4. nobich - We swear that this segment is purely hypothetical and meant only to enhance intellectual ponderings...unless otherwise specified

    sarcastic - So 4 in a row is the magic number eh? What about 4 rounds of 3 dances broken up by cocktails with said exotic artist where she tells me I'm cutest customer she's ever had and she's only working at the club to put herself through law school? Still sleazy? And of course, this is all hypothetical.


  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Hmm, I agree with housewife..not particuraly cheating but after four times a tad sleazy.. unless of course, your significant other reaps the benefits when you get home. Grins... (I'm not so sure I like this Beta blogger thing. I have to sign into that EVERYTIME I want to post a comment...grrr)

  7. Kayla Says:
  8. topic.
    I have to say it is cheating.
    It's like having someone other than your wife/significant other
    masturbate you to orgasm.
    That is considered a sex act.

    *ducking flying objects*

  9. Symplyamused - That is one reason we haven't switched to Beta yet, and might never unless they make us. As for the cheating, definitely sleazy, but still toeing the line.

    Kayla - Good. A little opposition here as I understand this argument entirely, but there is no actual skin on skin contact, so . . .


  10. Anonymous Says:
  11. hhmmm...a tricky question indeed! I would have to say "no" as to the cheating, but I agree with it being a bit sleazy and perhaps would result in getting thrown out of the establishment, but I guess that's another forum altogether! I don't buy that "but honey I got turned on by another woman so I could come home to you" bullcrap personally. Hey, if I don't do it for you, then move on down the road, buddy!

  12. I'd say it was. How would you feel if your wife went out and did that either as stripper or as the lap danced? Don't kid yourself, it's more than possible.

  13. Jlee - You mean women don't buy the "honey I got turned on by another woman so I could come home to you" line? This is a definite blow to my system and to strip clubs around the world.

    Nancy Drew - If she was the stripper then I would hope she would come home with a mess of one dollar bills and $20s. We don't care to consider the second scenario, which is just sleazy. Ha.

    Melissa - I'd like to meet that guy & learn his tricks as he would be someone worth knowing. It would also make for a great party story. And yes, I think that would constitute cheating.


  14. Sherry Says:
  15. I think that if you are going to a strip club for that many lap dances then cheating isn't your problem ... a break-up is already in the making.

  16. Dreamlover Says:
  17. CHEATING!!!



    If it was my boyfriend, he would be dumped!

  18. Miss Ash Says:
  19. Well it's not technically cheating but it is rather dirty...however in my experience all men are so it's to be expected :)

    I wonder if the guys partner gave his best friend a dance like that...just to even it out, it's not really cheating right, would he get mad or have a right to be?

  20. Anonymous Says:
  21. Good point, Miss Ash. Men only get the point of something when it's done TO them, then they're bigger babies than women. Sorry guys, but it's true!

  22. Sherry - That's probably true, but we've known plenty of guys, both married and in relationships, that will waste tons of money in these kind of scenarios for years and years without breaking it off.

    Dreamlover - Well I guess then your boyfriend would just have to keep that information to himself and tell you he was going to see a movie. Ha.

    Miss Ash - All men are at least a little bit dirty and some more than others. And no guy's best friend would take such a lap dance - it breaks the rules. You must follow the rules.

    Jlee - I take exception to that rule. In general, I think men can emotionally detach and compartamentalize (sp?) far better than women. And we find that to be true. Unless having something done to them includes a lap dance. Ha.

  23. I think even breaking it apart into 4 rounds would make one a little suspicious. Maybe if it was over 4 nights. It does give us food for thought. By the way I thought all exotic artists were either putting themselves through law school or med school.

  24. It's hard to find the exact number, eh? And they are ALL going to either law or med school - or so we've heard.

  25. Thanks for the link as we value information around here.

    And I'm with you on the male clubs because the only penis smell in my own house should be my own.

  26. Barely counts and those two other rules would definitely be in our handbook as well because we don't want either.


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