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Have We Learned Nothing from Kevin Bacon's Mistakes

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Thursday, November 02, 2006

I have read several articles now which claim that scientists are getting close to creating a way to render humans and objects invisible. There seem to be several approaches that are being explored. They range from nano-engineered materials for "Invisibilty Cloaks" to devices that can bend light around an The Predator. Either way, I think Invisibility technology is an awful idea.

Just look at what happened to Kevin Bacon. He started as an innocent highschool kid, who just wanted to show the elders of a small town that a little dancing didn't make the baby Jesus cry(Footloose). Then, later in life when he was a scientist (Hollow Man), he found a way to become invisible and subsequently pervy and psycopathic.

Let us not forget the follies of Kevin Bacon's fictional characters, people. We must all stand up and oppose this forthcoming technology before it wreaks havoc on society.

Now, I know it's amusing to think about what you would do if you could become invisible. However, you must be strong, like myself, and NOT think that the first thing you would do with an Invisibility Cloak would be to put it on your right hand and have the most amusing round of loving thyself that you've ever experienced. You're just asking for trouble people.



  1. Melissa Says:
  2. I'm digging the idea of an invisibility cloak. Oh the trouble I would make...

  3. Kayla Says:
  4. I love the idea, but think the temptaion to be a perv with it is too great for most people to handle!!
    I don't want to add to my list of "things that scare me" invisible man watching me get undressed.
    Oh invisible Mr. Clean!

  5. JLee Says:
  6. thanks, now you've got my mind going in all sorts of weird places...

  7. with great power comes great perversion. Kevin Bacon is a great example. One minute he is with Mr Keaton trying to save the world from giant muther f'n earth worms, the next he is trying to play hide the invisible salami with elizabeth shue.

    ahhh... I guess in retrospect the name "hide the invisible salami" doesn't make much sense... but you get the gist.


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