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Up On The Mountain Vol. 3 . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Tuesday, September 26, 2006

{Editor's Note: This is a semi-regular series of high-water mark performances that spans movies, television, books and life its ownself.}

Personally, I don't much care for Ben Stiller's launching pad to the upper echelon of comedians - "Meet The Parents" - because despite some funny moments (Speedo scene, Owen Wilson) I found the movie too awkward and painful to truly enjoy.

That is not the case with "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" where Stiller kills as White Goodman, the spandex-clad, dirty mustached, narcissistic moron who owns a set of upscale gyms and refers to his rival Vince Vaughn's club as a "shit heap" and his clients as a "mongrel race."

Vaughn got top-billing, but Stiller steals the movie out from under him in virtually every scene by taking Goodman to a demented, delusional level that he maintains throughout the entire running time.

It's hard to pinpoint just how many great scenes and lines that Stiller delivers, but let's start with his wardrobe as he has no shame in wearing spandex or an all-white jumpsuit with his "shiny shoes" for a date with Christine Taylor, his real life spouse.

He tries courting Taylor by strolling around reading the dictionary because he likes to "break a mental sweat too," but just to make sure he's fully-prepared, Stiller also inflates a cod piece in his spandex shorts to give him the advantage in the battle of the bulge department.

This painting behind his desk is just as phenomenal as his clothing, and as Stiller notes in the film, a metaphor for him taking the bull by the horns, although that also "really happened" according to him.

The best comedy usually happens when an actor fully embraces the inherent silliness of the character that he is playing. Looking stupid should not be a limitation, and in fact, it is almost a requirement for a fully realized performance that will stick around long after the movie ends.

Stiller embraces this philosophy to the nth degree in "Dodgeball," never breaking character or softening his creation in the slightest and while I can't remember a single line from Vaughn in the film, anytime I think of White Goodman I always laugh.

And that is a very good thing for a comedy.



  1. JLee Says:
  2. Good, I'm not the only one who thinks the "Meet the Parents" series are awkward & painful! But I DO love Ben Stiller, and loved "Dodgeball" and "Zoolander" especially...

    "nobody makes me bleed my own blood!" HAHAHAH

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. "Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge."

    "Son, you're about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop."

    Patches O'Houlihan

  5. I literally peed on myself at a few of these scenes from this movie.

  6. Miss Ash Says:
  7. I loved this movie as well as Zoolander and Meet the Parents. I think they are a nice break from the more dramatic movies, we all need a good silly laugh sometimes.

  8. Jlee - I'm glad I'm not alone either, and "Zoolander" is another excellent choice.

    Girlbehind - Nice quote from Patches.

    Stiltwalker - I try to go to the bathroom before all comedies, but if you're going to pee yourself that's a pretty good way I suppose.

    Miss Ash - Everybody could probably use to laugh a little more.

  9. BostonPobble Says:
  10. I cannot stand slapstick comedy. It's just not my idea of funny ~ with the exception of Dodgeball. And it's Stiller's fault.

  11. I tend to agree with you, and Stiller made this movie because getting hit with a red ball is only so funny.


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