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Turn Your Back And Urine Trouble . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I can't remember where I found this picture, but it really got me thinking about deep questions concerning life lessons, the illusion of safety and personal hygiene.

These weighty topics all stem from the central question regarding the eternal topic that has plagued modern man for decades: Is there ever a situation where it is acceptable to piss on a small child's head while his back is turned?

Although the answer seems to be an obvious and resounding "No," lately I'm not so sure this is the right path.

Maybe it is a great idea to urinate on small children because it's an early lesson that if you don't stay constantly vigilant that life will shit (or in this case piss) all over you.

Trust nobody - not even family. Sometimes, especially not family as you might be tempted to let your guard down due to blood relations and then they use that weakness to gut you like a striped bass.

It seems entirely possible that shattering a young adult's illusions about life being kind and gentle is a good one to learn while innocently dog-paddling in a swimming pool versus being pushed in front of a bus.

Hell, the kid is in water - the urine would just wash right off, and although he might object to the temperature of the stream, it could be easily rectified with a furious paddle to the deep end.

It might even make him a better swimmer too.

All in all, there actually seems to be very little downside to this choice apart from a few psychic scars, and the high potential for neighborhood scorn if someone were to witness such an incident.

But that's a small price to pay for an early lesson which will likely stick with that lucky child for a lifetime.

{Editor's Note: Obviously, I do not have children of my own}



  1. A splendid life lesson, indeed.

    I'm pretty sure Bill Gates' dad pissed on his head as well.

  2. Miss Ash Says:
  3. I love the editors note and think that perhaps you should not have any children in the near future as well :P

  4. Anonymous Says:
  5. You know you are not supposed to trust anyone over 30.
    So I am out.
    Can't trust me now.

  6. I accidentally urinated on a homeless person sleeping once.

    UT. Adjacent to the Grande Mart on Rio Grande (across from the Zeta House) there is a Dentist's office with a little outdoor atrium.
    I was wasted walking home from a party, as a freshman, and stopped there with my life-blood-suckling girlfriend at the time, to deposit the Natural Light which was ready to froth from our respective genitalia. My toilet was a blue tarp, and apparently dog and man both resembling a German Shepherd. He wasn't a very nice man, however, I bet in a weird way, I taught him the same lesson you aim to precipitate down upon the youth of today.

  7. I have 3 children and I think a few hard lessons in the reality of life are not bad things. Sometimes we are mean, but they'll get over it. Life is not all roses. Thankfully so far none of them have ended up in jail or drugs or dead. I'm hoping to keep that record going - so I say a little piss may not be a bad thing.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.  
  9. I deleted my original comment because I was concerned that it would be misinterpreted. It involved sick bastards and the death penalty.

    In any case, I think this picture is photoshopped.

  10. Idig - I've never noted that in Gate's bio, but perhaps I didn't read closely enough.

    Miss Ash - Children love me, although I've never figured out why.

    Girlbehind - I've heard that expression and for a few more months I am one trustworthy bastard.

    Tbone - That can happen and I know exactly the spot that you are talking about near the Grande mart, which is no longer there as it was recently paved to make room for more condos. Selah.

    Sarcastic - I think that's a good record to keep intact and I wish you good luck with it.

    Wendy - The death penalty seems a bit harsh a punishment for this kind of thing to me, but . . . I also believe it might have been altered or more specifically I think it's just a bad angle as he's holding a hose on the other side of him that we can't see.

  11. JLee Says:
  12. hehe...maybe the little girl was stung by a jellyfish? Isn't urine good for that?

  13. I've heard that rumor for years and it was confirmed for me during the "Friends" episode where Chanler pees on Monica.

  14. I would bet at least $5 that you are correct.


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