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Thoughts On "Talladega Nights" . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Saturday, August 19, 2006

{Editor's Note: My review might be tarnished by the fact that my car got rear-ended on the way to see this movie. If you want to shift your day 180 degrees I recommend driving to a silly comedy and then getting rear-ended by a bottled blonde with no insurance card which causes you to call the cops. Selah.}

Will Ferrell is a funny guy who has been on a losing streak lately.

It started somewhere around "Kicking and Screaming" and then got upgraded with that shitbomb "Bewitched" and concluded with a disappointing cameo in "The Wedding Crashers."

Now, he's back with "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby."

1) This movie has its comedic moments - unfortunately many of those have been well-documented in the previews and I really hate when a movie has very little to offer outside of what you've already seen on TV or during theatrical trailers.

2) You could argue that there is more plot in this movie than in "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy," but for my money Anchorman was a better-sustaining comedy.

3) As my brother said to me, you have to be a bit mistrusting about a movie that made as much money as "Talladega Nights" did on its opening weekend because anything playing to such a mass audience is often watered-down. This wasn't entirely true, but I enjoyed the tack-on one-liners that Ferrel spouts better than any of the visual gags.

4) John C. Reilly plays Will Ferrell's best friend in the movie, and is one of the most versatile and interesting actors today. He was phenomenal in "Boogie Nights" and has been good in nearly every role since then, and now he shows that he can play it loose and funny as well.

5) Any movie that name-checks Rue McClanhan (sp?) from "Golden Girls" fame as one of history's great champions is still funnier than a lot of other comedies out there this summer.

All in all, "Talladega Nights" has some highlights, but ultimately there were too many dead-spots for me to recommend paying full price to see it.

It's not a bad option, however, to get a little silly and catch a matinee to escape the heat - just make sure to watch for horrible drivers who don't obey the rules of the road or of common decency and you might enjoy it a little bit more than I did.



  1. Lucy Says:
  2. Can I just throw something out there since you brought up Will Ferrell?
    I have heard so many people say "Elf" is such a great movie, totally hilarious, charming, sweet, whatever. Blah, blah, blah.
    I don't get it--I found it to be one of THE most irritating, lame movies EVER made.
    But "Anchorman" wasn't all that bad.

  3. drëâmè® Says:
  4. Ahhh to reply to the above post: I AGREE!!!! Holy shit.. I watched part of it and I felt... nauseous.... so... so... bad. At least that's my opnion. Can you beleive Will Ferrell is the highest paying actor in hollywood? He gets paid something like 40 million dollars per film. I mean.. he's allright and all, but I don't really think he's that amazing. Especially not after seeing Bewitched, half of kicking and scream, and yes... elf. He sort of seems to throw around the same character over and over again to me. I don't know.. maybe im a bit too judgmental.

    John C. Reilly rocks my socks :)

    & I'm sorry about the car :( At the least the stupid woman will learn her lesson about insurance.


  5. Miss Ash Says:
  6. I have a friend who looks exactly like Will Ferrell, it's funny when we go out, people always point it out to him.

    I loved John C in Chicago :)

    As for this movie, i have no desire to see it, i even forget the trailers, if that didn't catch my eye then no thanks.

  7. maybe he shouldnt have left snl afterall. i liked him in superstar even if he didnt have a major major role. lol i need to see that film again.

  8. Luce - Here's the thing about "Elf" - it's a low threshold for holiday movies as most of treachly and too sweet and not funny at all. So I guess it was better than some in that regard.

    Dr - Thanks for the car condolences as it should be fixed by the end of next week. And I'm glad there are others who can appreciate Mr. Reilly as "Boogie Nights" should be required viewing for his career.

    Miss Ash - I think that would be great to have a friend who looked like Ferrel because you could probably get loads of free drinks until the issue was cleared up.

    Lastlife - I saw Superstar quite awhile ago and was semi-drunk or delirious, so maybe I'll have to re-visit that one.

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. All I have to say is SHAKE AND BAKE BABY!

  11. I thought Anchor Man was largely unappreciated.

    Gotta splash on some Sex Panther before I head for work.

  12. Girl Behind - I hope you included the fist bump when you said that.

    Idig - Sex Panther is a scent for all day and night and never gives up.

  13. BostonPobble Says:
  14. I adore John C. Reilly. Can't stand Will Ferrell. And not even Reilly can make me go to a Ferrell movie.

  15. Reilly makes anything he is in a better movie for it.


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