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The Edge . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Thursday, June 22, 2006

There are periods of time for everyone where you find yourself on the Edge.

It might be while riding a motorcycle or flirting with the wrong person or pushing your body to the limits through physical exertion or emotional pain.

But the common denominator is that feeling of surging forward on a high-wire line that could snap violently at any given moment.

It's a natural high and it can be more addicting than crack, "Beverly Hills 90210" and Marble Slab Creamery combined.

Finding that Edge and sometimes pushing past it carries its own mixed bag of risks and much like cheap cocaine, the ride going up might be wonderful, however, the descent can be equally as brutal.

I was reminded of this problem by my wife this week as I have been letting things slide while chasing that feeling on the Edge at work, modeling, blogs, lofts and script writing.

I suppose there's no harm in looking for the Edge, but when it comes time to pull back from that abyss, you have to know how to make the retreat back to a normal pace.

And whether that entails kicking down from 6th to 4th gear or saying goodbye to the gang at West Beverly High School, sometimes you have to simply walk away.

Or wait for the DVD to arrive.



  1. Oh those highs can be fabulous, but in the end the descent back to the real world is sometimes fraught with horrible danger. AND then once you get there life can seem dull. Good luck getting it all figured out.

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head which is why there's always the decision about "if the going up is worth the coming down."

    Sometimes it is & sometimes it's not.

  3. D Says:
  4. I think we all get caught up in what we think is important at the time. BUT, Lucky for you, your wife loves you enough to
    remind you to come back down to planet earth..

  5. Dreamlover Says:
  6. I think that sometimes you have to ride the high times, just as long as they won't hurt those in your life that you care about!

    I know that sometimes the high is soo good that we don't see the downside, but make sure you don't give up who you are just to feel good.

    Cos the good feeling never lasts forever.

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. This is my favorite post because it is very honest. Dont get me wrong- I like the others but this one was heartfelt :)
    I dont agree that life is dull when you return- I think instead you appreciate the predictable in a whole new way. Because you realize its something that you were so close to sacrificing for a cheap thrill..Until next time...

  9. D - It's always nice to have strong support at home as everyone needs to be reminded of who they are on occassion.

    Jenni222 - I always liked the phrase "everything in moderation including moderation."

    Dreamlover - I would agree that it's often a temporary thing that is sometimes blinding, but a strong sense of self is good to combat taking things too far.

    Anonymous - I'm glad you liked the post and you have to find great moments in day-to-day life or else you could find yourself waiting for something huge to happen & miss a lot of things along that path.


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