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Seacrest Out Of The Closet . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Monday, May 15, 2006

This picture doesn't bolster Ryan Seacrest's heterosexuality in my book.

When you combine this with his horribly awkward kiss with Teri Hatcher and some of his interviews (the one where he talks about going home every day after school and eating nachos and watching "Oprah" sticks out in my mind) it just seems like a terrible charade that continues to play by insisting that he likes girls.

But I'm not convinced that he does.

I can't imagine it would hurt his career at this point, and he could sign off every "American Idol" with "Seacrest out of the closet."

Just a thought.



  1. That is a pretty suspicious picture. I think it would even make John Wayne look suspicious.

  2. I can't prove it, but I have a strong feeling that if the Duke were still alive, he wouldn't be caught dead on any of Seacrest's radio or TV programs.


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