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These Boots Are Made For Running . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Thursday, April 13, 2006

It appears that Us Weekly is reporting that Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson nearly incited a brouhaha at a Hollywood nightclub recently.

The story goes that Lohan sent some drinks over to Simpson, who refused to acknowledge the gift.

This snub led to Lohan furiously yelling at Simpson's table and taunting Simpson about her age and her toughness.

Lohan screamed something like, "What's the matter? When your sister is around, you can talk shit about me, but now that Ashlee's not here, what are you going to do? C'mon! I'm 19 and you're 25. Say something, you coward!'"

US Weekly claims that Simpson broke down in tears.

Brett Ratner, the director of the video for "These Boots Were Made For Walking," was also in attendance, and helped restore calm by possibly directing a crappy movie (but that's purely speculation on my part).

It's a good thing order was restored, however, because I know for a fact that it's hard enough to walk in boots, but it's damn tough to run in them.


1 Responses to These Boots Are Made For Running . . .

  1. I tend to agree about the hair-pulliing, and then Jessica would still be in big trouble because those extensions would slide off her like a greased pig.


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