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Leave Town Immediately

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Wednesday, January 12, 2005

OK. I'm not afraid to admit that I watched "The Bachelorette" on Monday night. Actually, I only watched the final 20 minutes of the show.

I was forced into the decision after seeing repeated promos over the weekend that caught my attention. The main feature that got me hooked was not the Bachelorette, who seems quite reasonable and good-looking, but rather it was one of the male contestants who faints during the rose ceremony.

I was determined to find out if this really happened or if it was just a stunt by ABC to lure more viewers. Unfortunately for David (if that is his real name) it did indeed happen. As all 25 men stood waiting for recognition from Jen, this particular man just couldn't handle the extreme pressure of the situation and he went down like a faster than a cheap hooker during a Navy shore leave.

Needless to say he didn't receive a rose.

Unfortunately, David's problems are just beginning. That poor guy is going to have to pack his belongings, move from whatever city he currently inhabits, find a completely new set of friends and possibly seek counseling to deal with the embarassment.

This might seem harsh, but you must consider that his current friends, co-workers, landlord, barber, dentist probably all knew that he was going on the show, and I'm sure that not a single one of them missed watching him drop to the floor in an anxiety-riddled heap.

Oh yes. They will descend on him like a pack of wolverines when he tries to resume his normal life and it will only get worse if anyone that knows him has been drinking. You have to feel sorry for the guy and the only decision that seems reasonable now is to leave town quickly and start fresh somewhere.

Change is good.



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