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Things I Just Don't Understand . . .

Posted by 2 Dollar Productions Thursday, May 19, 2005

I have a neighbor in my apartment complex who drives a beat-up 1980-something Volvo with a busted taillight and rust covering a major portion of the vehicle.

When the car starts it sounds like an old man choking on a chicken bone, and it emits enough smoke to scare me a little bit.

This car should be shot and put out of its misery, but it continues run and I realize there's something to be said for not having a car payment every month. This past week, however, I drove home after work to discover 4 new tires and 4 new high-tech spinning rims sitting on the ancient rusted-out eye-sore.

Does this make any sense in the world?

The tires and wheels are almost certainly worth more than the entire car, and in my view are completely and totally absurd. It's like people who drive broken-down Chevy Cavaliers and yet they feel compelled to put a $3,000 sound system in the trunk.

I know this isn't a big thing, and so I'll just chock it up to yet another item on the long list of things that perplex me about this world.

The entry will be sandwiched somewhere between soft-core pornography and the popularity of Toby Keith.



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